"The water levels are the highest they've been in years. It looks like you'll have some pretty exciting rapids to deal with." This was the explanation given to us by the rafting outfitter before we headed out on the Wolf River. I was already feeling cautious since Wisconsin had received an extreme amount of rain leading up to our trip, and this bit of news didn't bring about a huge sense of calm. In fact, just the day before my Wolf River trip, friends that were going with Brian to the Boundary Waters left Madison and were
We took 11 kids and five staff white water rafting this year. The only setbacks (and they were minor) were a few wrong turns, a meltdown on the river the first day by one of our kids, and a pretty sweet leg wound from yours truly. It's amazing how God's hand of protection was on us the entire week.
I've developed a great passion for the outdoors and camping (thanks to my husband Brian) and I loved the opportunity to teach kids to share in that joy last week. There is something so simple and pure in sharing a conversation with a kid who has been shuffled from foster parent to foster parent while roasting marshmallows. Or staying up late with the girls in my tent to play cards.
Summers at TreeHouse offer little breaks or down time, but through all the chaos I see the most life change in kids.