I just returned from one of MN's largest Christian music festivals, Sonshine. We took 9 kids for 4 days of concerts ranging from alternative rock to hip hop to the extreme scream-o bands. I came back feeling old. Mainly because I don't enjoy participating in the sweaty mosh pit mess. I was intimidated of the crowd surfing-- especially after people nearly dropped on top of me. So I hung out from a distance and enjoyed the fresh air and space. One of our girls, Tessa, came back the first day shoeless and without half of her big toe nail--all from the glamour of the moshing. And yet, she went back for more--again and again--because she loved it so much.
It was great to take kids who do not label themselves as people who listen to "Christian music" or music with a positive message and watch them become fans of bands that preached the gospel during each of their songs.
On a personal note, I leave tonight for California to celebrate my ONE year anniversary!