Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Can I paint your nails?

I get asked this question every time I hang out with Tonya. Her endless supply of nail polish amazes me. Yesterday it was without fail, and before I knew it she was eagerly painting my nails bright pink at the local DQ. Usually her paint job is spotty and messy looking, but yesterday her attempt was semi-decent. However, it looks like I'm stuck in the 80s and, alas, the nail polish must come off. Tonya has even earned a reputation for being the Nail Polish Queen among my staff because Kristen, our summer intern, took one look at my nails and said, "You must have been hanging out with Tonya." So, if you're looking for a nail specialist and don't mind the occasional missed brush stroke over your finger, then let me know. I have the hook-up.

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