Thursday, January 15, 2009

Brrr...Why is it that we live in MN?

Gosh, it's been nearly 4 months since I've updated my posts! Thank you if you're reading this because it means you are faithful to still check up on me--even when nothing appears for quite a while!

Today is the third straight day of crazy cold temperatures. An Arctic Chill has taken over most of MN. In response to the severe weather conditions we canceled program tonight--something we hardly do or like to do for that matter. Perception is reality, and while we could easily carry on with program despite the weather, it's important that we communicate a sense of safety to parents and the community.

I've hardly had a Tuesday or Thursday night free since I've started TreeHouse nearly four years ago so I don't even know what to do with myself tonight. I think starting a fire in the fireplace and staying inside is a good first step.

We just got back from our Winter Blast retreat last weekend so look forward to pictures and video coming soon--I promise. We took 20 kids from our area. Also, I thought since I'm re-emerging from the dead I thought I should make the announcement that as of January 5th I've started my new promotion as the Area Program Coordinator of the Minnetonka TreeHouse.

Warm wishes to you all!

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