Wednesday, November 21, 2007

MySpace what?

So first is was Facebook and now it's MySpace. Both of these online death traps (death traps because they suck away so much of your time) were things I swore I would not become apart of. Well, my last ounce of resistance has been stripped away. I am now a MySpace member. While Facebook is really a personal time waster, I am signing up with MySpace to connect with SO many of the youth I work with. There is a whole different dynamic you get welcomed into when you become apart of the MySpace family. Much of our youth's drama seems to get started over MySpace messages. I hope to use this outlet as a ministry tool. You are welcome to become my MySpace friend too. I only have three friends so far...

PS. I'd love to know who's actually reading my blog ramblings. If you're able to send me feedback if this helps you feel connected then please speak up! Either here or on MySpace. My username is Java Queen or you can find me under my name.

Happy Turkey Day!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Keep the blog post coming - I love them! As for this MySpace thing, I'm just going to pretend I didn't read that. :)